People who deal with the daily pain and headaches of teeth grinding understand how important it is to learn how to stop clenching teeth. It can cost thousands in oral care if your teeth are permanently damaged. Your dentist will need to repair your teeth, but that doesn’t stop the clenching. Here’s one sure way how to stop clenching teeth.
Clenching and grinding your teeth are often associated with stress. Adults will grind or clench in their sleep as their bodies decompress from daily life. If you find yourself with anxiety from school, work, relationships, or other personal matters your body will react to that anxiety in numerous ways. One of the ways stress is released from your body is by grinding or clenching. In your sleep, you will subconsciously release that stress through the means of grinding or clenching. It’s a terrible habit to start and one that eventually wears down your teeth and damages your nerves or jaw muscles.
How to stop clenching teeth has a simple solution that is quite affordable and comfortable. The best defense against clenching is to wear a night guard while you sleep. These dental devices are designed for maximum protection against grinding and clenching and will help rid the pain associated with teeth clenching. A night guard is a custom device that the user wears over their teeth. There’s a variety of designs and guards, each is specified to prevent certain types of grinding or clenching depending on the severity of the symptoms.
Wearing a night guard will help prevent teeth grinding and clenching as it acts as a barrier between teeth. Night guards are designed to take the maximum punishment from heavy grinders or clenchers and will be quite durable while you sleep. Custom-fitted night guards are not bulky and are much more durable as opposed to the over-the-counter night guards found at the store or on Amazon. They are designed as sleek and with an emphasis on comfort allowing you to wear them at night and sleep peacefully without noticing it.
Flexible Super Hard Night Guard
The Flexible Super Hard Night Guard is the strongest night guard available and is our No. 1 seller. Protect your mouth from severe teeth grinding and clenching with this teeth guard. Order online and take the impression at home saving hundreds over going to the dentist. Impression kit included. Free Shipping in the United States.…
If you’re wondering whether you clench your teeth at night, there are a few easy signs to look for. Waking up daily with a sore jaw, sensitive teeth or morning headache can be related to grinding your teeth while you sleep. When you clench your jaw or teeth the muscles in your jaw work extra and when they tire but continue to clench, that causes inflammation and stress in your muscles. This inflammation continues into the morning resulting in headaches or sore jaw muscles. When you grind your teeth they are worn down exposing nerves. With no barrier between hot or cold foods, your teeth become extra sensitive when eating. To prevent these symptoms and to help prevent them wearing a night guard is critical.

SportingSmiles offers custom-made night guards to prevent teeth grinding and clenching. Since 2009, SportingSmiles has been the leader in online dental products crafting retainers, whitening trays, sports mouthguards, and night guards. Offering six different types of night guards each with their specific benefits to teeth grinders, SportingSmiles has served over one million customers. These premium night guards are the quickest way in how to stop clenching teeth and prevent damage. Order your impression kit today and sleep throughout the night protected with a custom night guard from SportingSmiles.