Ultra Sonic Cleaner For Retainer

Receive a custom ultra sonic cleaner for retainer or a night guard from SportingSmiles. This machine uses a high-frequency vibration for cleaning. In 3 minutes your retainers or night guards will receive a premium cleanse as the vibrations reach directly into tiny gaps. The bubbles generated by the ultra sonic cleaner will help remove stains from the retainer or night guard. With a 45000 HZ built-in UV light that sanitizes the retainers or night guards, you can be sure that germs are removed. Inside the cleaner is a 150 ml tank that allows for multiple retainers or night guards to be cleaned at the same time. Keep your retainers and night guards clean, fresh, and clear with this premium custom ultra sonic cleaner from SportingSmiles. This product is specific to subscription orders and will be sent out during the second cycle of the subscription (six months after the initial subscription purchase)


SKU: UltraSonicCleaner Category:

Manufacturer: SportingSmiles

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Frequently Asked Questions:


How Long Should I Use My Ultra Sonic Retainer Cleaner? You can use it up to 10 minutes a day, but there are shorter settings. We recommend using cold water along with the cleaning solution of your choice. Fresh Guard Cleaning Solution is the best solution to remove bacteria and spots from your retainers. You can also try baking soda to remove any smell. 

What shouldn’t I use in the Ultra Sonic Cleaner? Do not use denture cleaning tablets, mouthwash, or dish soap. 

Can I Use This For Other Products like Night Guards, Whitening Trays, and Sports Guards? Yes, the ultra sonic cleaner can help clean all of these products.

What does the Ultra Sonic Cleaner come with? It comes with a charger, medium-sized tweezers, and an instructional pamphlet.

Is there a warranty on this product? Yes, there is a 90-day period once you receive the ultra sonic cleaner if it is defective.

Am I eligible for a refund? If you purchased this product individually, meaning you added it to an order without a retainer or night guard subscription, you can receive a refund in the first 90 days if the ultra sonic cleaner is defective.

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