Reorder | Night Guards

Use our reordering system to receive your retainer replacements. You must reorder within a year of purchasing to receive the reorder discount because our warehouse recycles dental impressions after a year in order to make room for new smiles. When reordering a product, make sure we have both impressions of your top or lower teeth if you plan to receive a product that covers both. The reorder price listed reflects the automatic discount. If you have your impressions 3D scanned on file for life, you may reorder whenever you wish but if you haven’t reordered within the last year, the warranty will be expired due to the nature of teeth potentially shifting during that time.

For more details on our reorder process or questions regarding your account, please contact our customer service through email at or call during business hours 8 AM – 4 PM CT.


SKU: ReorderNightGuard Category:

Manufacturer: SportingSmiles

Customer with Retainer Case

Why SportingSmiles?

Plaster Dental model

Use Own Molds

SportingSmiles customer

Premium Retainers

Happy SportingSmiles Customer

What Comes In The Kit

Safe & Secure Checkout



how do reorders work?
steps to reorder SportingSmiles
saved on file

Additional information

Add One

1 Hard Flexible + $85, 1 Hard Flexible Back Cut +$88, 1 Dual Laminate +$80, 1 Dual Laminate Back Cut +$83, 1 Soft Grinding Guard +$70, 1 Hard Grinding Guard +$75

Upper or Lower

Upper, Lower

Add Custom Upper & Lower Whitening Trays

Custom Whitening Trays +$40.00

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